Monday, June 21, 2010

PHLFAN Day 2 notes

What did I learn?
1. I didn't get laid, but I didn't have to. As far as I've come I have no regrets about what didn't happen because I know it can only get better. I was able to have this great adventure and it's all due to the last couple years of learning game.
2. PHLFAN may actually be crazy. I know all women are irrational and therefore crazy, but she could be legitimately wacko.
3. I don't think I'll ever pay to get into an after hours club. It was open for 2hours tops and would've cost $20 cover. Drinks were $10. Plus, if I haven't at least #closed a couple sets by 2am... then I need to give up.
4. Beautiful women are common. Just because she's beautiful doesn't mean she's quality. PHLFAN was a BAD kisser and actually said some racist shit. I think I'm done with her.
5. She's probably done with me anyway. The VinDicarlo escalation ladder specifically states that if you start the escalation ramp to sex and don't finish it, she will probably flake and not want to talk to you again. That's exactly what I did.
6. I need to learn more about the Phillies. A LOT of people in Philly are into them and it makes for easy fluff talk. Also, if I don't know anything about the home team, I look like an idiot.

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