I was out with Raz the other night at a new bar. We were leaning against the bar drinking some shitty beers and surveying the talent in the place. A couple unattractive women walk by and we both agree that we wouldn't fuck them. Then they meet up with their friend and I said, "I'd fuck her.... wait. I think I did."
I did.
When you start going out to random bars and seeing girls you've had sex with, you know things have changed.
A friend/aquaintance of mine (beta of course) always gets unsolicited advice from me. More like I scold him on his bullshit and give him tough love. He texted me the other day, "You are a genius, I owe you like 5 beers."
Turns out he used some shit I told him. Simple stuff like leading the woman. He said everything happened exactly as I said it would and her responses were verbatim to what I said she'd say.
I love it when a plan comes together. I also like bragging.
I got a bunch of numbers recently. I convinced Tall Wing to accompany me on the town and he had a blast. I met a couple really cool girls and got numbers. They both turned out to be solid leads but logistics have fucked me up again.
For various reasons I am only available to go out on specific nights. The one girl is unavailable those nights and the other is too far and lives with her parents (but she's supposed to get a place of her own in a month... we'll see).
In my experience, if you don't get the Day 2 within 2 weeks, you can forget about it. Go get new leads. So I'll try again with these two but I don't have any real expectations (I never do anyway). If I hang out with them I'm pretty sure I could excalate easily because we had a great rapport, but if not, I still have a couple girls I'm seeing regularly, but I need something novel. After all it's Spring.
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