Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St Patties Night FLOP

I went out to meet a girl and when I got there she was puking and completely out of it. Her friends picked her up and took her home right as I got there. I was pissed. I told her earlier that I didn't want to hang out with her if she was drunk and she got blitzed anyway. The rest of the night I had written her off in my head and decided to never call/text or answer her calls. I was mad partly because she fucked me over and partly because I was now by myself in an unfamiliar state without enough time to get back to my stomping grounds.

So I decided to sarge on where I was.

Right off, I made some intense eye contact with a woman near me. She reciprocated and I approached. A little small talk, then the most important question, "Who are you here with?"

"My husband."

Great. I walked off and had a smoke outside. She found me and we flirted heavily. I tried to pull ("let's get out of here") but she balked. I knew it was a long shot, but I was in a mood for it. Her husband found her and came to cock block. I introduced myself by name and he just shook my hand silently. His wife said, "It's Steve."

ME: "Steve, huh? Ever see the movie, Tao of Steve?"
STEVE: "Yeah. You use what he says?"
ME: "Nah, too many rules."
(Tao of Steve is a good movie, but it does get some things wrong)

Clearly he knew what was up. Before he arrived his wife told me he cheated on her and he wasn't a douchey guy. Just not discrete.
As Heartiste has said: Marriage does not exclude one from the sexual market.

I left that place and hit another bar on the way home. What a shitty state. Let's just say it's below the Mason-Dixon line and the women are large and in charge. I opened the cutest (thinest) girl there and she walked away without answering. The next best thing was a petite girl with her girlfriend. She was watching me, but I never approached because I was solo and couldn't figure out the dynamic with her guy friends (there were a lot of them, I didn't want a fight). I attempted to open the guys but it just felt awkward so, feeling like a lurker, I just went home.

The girl I was supposed to meet texts me:
HER: Why didn't you come to me. I think someone put something in my drink cause I only had 3 drinks and I don't remember anything after 11pm
ME: I'm glad you had friends there. Soon as I found you on the bench out front they dragged you away
HER: I'm so sorry. I really don't know what happened. One minute I'm talking to my friend and the next I'm waking up on her floor.
ME: Then that was definitely a drug. You were a mess when I got to you.
HER: It had to be cause I can drink a lot and never be like that or blackout
ME: How are you feeling?
HER: Better. I slept a few hours and think I'm ready to eat now. You doing anything later?
ME: Yeah. I'm glad you're feeling better.
HER: Thanks
ME: So was that one of the worst weekends ever?
HER: You can pretty much say that! I'm not going out for quite a while now. I'm scared!
ME: Just can't leave your drink anywhere and always have friends with you.
HER: That's just crazy! I put my drink down at the bar to do a shot with my friends but there were so many people around. I think that's when it happened. I definitely learned a lesson.

FUCK THOSE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT LOSERS WHO TRY TO RAPE WOMEN BECAUSE THEY CAN'T GET A GIRL NORMALLY! Disgusting fucking losers. They're so fucking weak they go out of their way to drug a girl so they can rape her without a fight. This happened to several of my friends. They were lucky. You never hear about when the rapist actually gets away with it because the girl is too embarrassed to tell. If anyone catches anyone doing this it is your societal OBLIGATION to beat the shit out of him. It's not white knighting. It's fucking justice.

And anyone who talks shit on Game... Exhibit A for why men need to learn some fucking skills when it comes to women.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Morality is Subjective

Debate it all you want, morality will NEVER be objective.

A friend of mine had the opportunity to bang a cute 21 year old chick who was all over him. She was an old friend of his who he ran into at a Wendy's fast food restaurant. He kept denying her advances, citing the fact that he has a girlfriend. She convinced him to go to her car and when he got there, instead of getting in the car and doing all kinds of fun things with her, he said goodbye and got in his car and left.

I said, "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

He told me he's got morals and he doesn't want to cheat on his girlfriend.

I said (cold reading), "if you have such high morals, then why do you regret not fucking her so much?"

"Shit, you're right man, I do regret it."

I then scolded him on real regret. When he's 50 or 60 years old and looks back on his life, this is one of the things he will regret. If he cheated on his girlfriend and she never found out, would he regret that? Fuck no.

In fact, he told me she cheated on him once and he took her back.

Some will undoubtedly call me immoral. Who cares. Your morals are different from mine. A moral is a judgement, not a fact. It is an opinion. Morals are subjective.

I consider sending children to religious schools immoral. Seriously, it's borderline child abuse. But those same people would condemn my lascivious actions.

My point is that I'm not going through life denying myself things that would make me happy because of misguided self rightousness. I'm not going to be the one, at 60 years old wishing I'd have done things differently.

Don't let youth be wasted on the young. Act now while you can.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Yo, I'd do her.


I was out with Raz the other night at a new bar. We were leaning against the bar drinking some shitty beers and surveying the talent in the place. A couple unattractive women walk by and we both agree that we wouldn't fuck them. Then they meet up with their friend and I said, "I'd fuck her.... wait. I think I did."

I did.

When you start going out to random bars and seeing girls you've had sex with, you know things have changed.


A friend/aquaintance of mine (beta of course) always gets unsolicited advice from me. More like I scold him on his bullshit and give him tough love. He texted me the other day, "You are a genius, I owe you like 5 beers."

Turns out he used some shit I told him. Simple stuff like leading the woman. He said everything happened exactly as I said it would and her responses were verbatim to what I said she'd say.

I love it when a plan comes together. I also like bragging.


I got a bunch of numbers recently. I convinced Tall Wing to accompany me on the town and he had a blast. I met a couple really cool girls and got numbers. They both turned out to be solid leads but logistics have fucked me up again.

For various reasons I am only available to go out on specific nights. The one girl is unavailable those nights and the other is too far and lives with her parents (but she's supposed to get a place of her own in a month... we'll see).

In my experience, if you don't get the Day 2 within 2 weeks, you can forget about it. Go get new leads. So I'll try again with these two but I don't have any real expectations (I never do anyway). If I hang out with them I'm pretty sure I could excalate easily because we had a great rapport, but if not, I still have a couple girls I'm seeing regularly, but I need something novel. After all it's Spring.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Winter Update

I haven't been too active lately. It's fuckin' cold. I've gone out only a couple times for new leads and haven't followed up on any of them.

I've been seein this one girl for a while (met her July 2011) and the sex is great. She does pretty much whatever I want. She got drunk the other night and all but told me she loves me. Great, now I feel bad. See, I have feelings for her too, but I know it's just chemicals and that it fades pretty quickly. I've had feelings for many other women as well, but I don't make decisions based on them. That would be foolish. I've been seein her only a couple times a month. Never more than that. But of course she's been pining for me the whole time. She really talked my ear off when she was drunk and revealed everything. So now I can't see her anymore, which sucks, cuz like I said, the sex is great.

There was another girl I was seein for a while. Witch Costume from Halloween 2011. We hung out a buncha times and had Ok sex. She has a big dog which is a big turnoff. I haven't seen her in a couple weeks. Neither of us has contacted each other. I guess it's mutual.